Players Name
Players Date of Birth
This is the age groups for the season 2024 - 2025
Team —Please choose an option—Under 7s (Year 2)Under 8s (Year 3)Under 9s (Year 4)Under 10s (Year 5)Under 11s Girls (Year 6)Under 11s (Year 6)Under 12s (Year 7)Under 13s (Year 8)Under 14s (Year 9)Under 14s Girls(Year 9)Under 15s (Year 10)Under 16s Girls (Year 11)
Please Select
—Please choose an option—Training OnlyTraining & Matches
Name of Parents / Carers
Parents / Carers Phone Numbers
Your Email
GDPR Statement
Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulations, these forms will be kept securely by the Ilminster Youth Town Football Club's ("the Club") Secretary and Managers and will be retained for up to 4 years. Please note:
1. We will not pass your email address on to any other organisation save as disclosed below;
2. We require your consent to be able to send you any information relating to the Club; and
3. You have the right to ask for this information to be removed from our database at any time (we must advise that without this information yours and your child's involvement with the Club will not be able to continue).
I confirm that the above information is accurate and that I have read and agree with the GDPR statement
We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist in various capacities.
If you are interested in helping out or have any specific skills or areas you’d like to contribute to, please let us know. We would be delighted to discuss how you can get involved and support our efforts.
All contents © copyright Ilminster Youth FC All rights reserved