Players Name
Players Date of Birth
Team —Please choose an option—Under 7sUnder 8sUnder 9s SharksUnder 9s MarlinsUnder 10s PanthersUnder 10s CheetahsUnder 11s Wildcats GirlsUnder 11s CyclonesUnder 11s VulcansUnder 12s TigersUnder 12s LionsUnder 12s LeopardsUnder 13s FalconsUnder 13s HawksUnder 13s GirlsUnder 14s GirlsUnder 14s RangersUnder 14s DynamosUnder 15sUnder 16 Girls
Please Select
—Please choose an option—Training OnlyTraining & Matches
Name of Parents / Carers
Parents / Carers Phone Numbers
Your Email
Medical Conditions / Disability / Neurodiversity
Photograph To Be Taken YesNo
Photos to be used in newspapers, website etc (No names will appear with photos) YesNo
Welcome Pack
Please can you acknowledge that you have read this document. Welcome Pack
Code of Conduct: Players
It is important everyone behaves themselves when playing football. As a player, you have a big part to play. That’s why The FA is asking every player to follow a Respect Code of Conduct. When playing football, I will: Always do my best, even if we’re losing or the other team is stronger Play fairly – I won’t cheat, complain or waste time Never be rude to my team-mates, the other team, the referee, spectators or my coach/team manager Do what the referee tells me Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game Listen to my coach/team manager and respect what he/she says Talk to someone I trust, for example my parents or the club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club. I understand that if I do not follow the code, action may be taken.
Player: I have read and agree to abide by the Respect codes of conduct for players
Code of Conduct: Spectators / Parents / Carers
We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. This club is supporting The FA's Respect programme to ensure football can be enjoyed by everyone in a safe and positive environment.Play your part and observe The FA's Respect Code of Conduct for spectators and parents/carers at all times. I will: Remember that children play for FUN Remain outside the field of play and behind the Designated Spectator Area (where provided) Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour Always respect the match officials' decisions Applaud effort and good play as well as success Let the coaches do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do Encourage the players to respect the opposition and match officials Never criticise a player for making a mistake -mistakes are part of learning I understand that if I do not follow the code of conduct I may be required to meet with the club committee.
Parent / Carer : I have read and agree to abide by the ‘Respect codes of conduct for Spectators / Parents / Carers
Ilminster Town Youth FC provides full football playing kit for all League Registered Players, either direct from Club funds or team sponsorship. Individual teams may provide other items such as tracksuits,raincoats, etc., via sponsorship. There is no charge for these items unless they are lost or damaged. If you lose or damage any item of kit you must inform your Team Manager immediately. A replacement item will be ordered and you will be expected to pay for the replacement. Please read the following conditions of use and sign to accept the Club rule concerning kit loaned to players.
1. The Club football playing kit (and any other items of clothing) will remain the property of the Club.
2. I understand that the Club football kit (and any other items of clothing) is on loan to my child.
3. The Club football playing kit must not be worn during training sessions or any personal use (i.e. playing out at home) as they may become damaged. The football playing kit must be worn to all official Club matches along with any sponsored track suits or tops.
4. As the parent/guardian signing this letter I undertake full responsibility for the laundering of the Club football playing kit and any other items loaned to my child.
5. The Club football playing kit (and any other items) must be carefully looked after. I understand that if any of the items becomes damaged due to misappropriate use then I may be billed for the cost of a replacement.
6. Similarly if the Club football kit is lost due to carelessness then I may also be billed for a replacement.
7. The Club/Team reserves the right to recall the Club football playing kits at any time.
8.If my child decides that they wish to leave the Club then the Club football playing kit(and any other items of clothing) must be returned immediately, otherwise I maybe billed for a replacement.
9.The Club will not de-register any player to enable them to join another junior or Youth Football Club, until all items of Club kit are returned. Please note that League squad players must wear full and correct Club match kit (Club match shirt, shorts and socks) for all matches representing Ilminster Town Youth FC. Players wearing any item of incorrect match kit may be excluded from the match.
I have read and agree to abide by the code above
Glasses During training and matches the clubs’ rule is that children cannot wear regular glasses.
The club will contribute £75 towards prescribed football goggles so please speak with your child’s manager about this provision.
I have read and agree to abide by the clubs’ rule on wearing glasses
GDPR Statement
Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulations, these forms will be kept securely by the Ilminster Youth Town Football Club's ("the Club") Secretary and Managers
Please note:
1. We will not pass your email address on to any other organisation save as disclosed below;
2. We require your consent to be able to send you any information relating to the Club; and
3. You have the right to ask for this information to be removed from our database at any time (we must advise that without this information yours and your child's involvement with the Club will not be able to continue).
These forms will be used for the following purposes:
1. Contacting you about matches, training and club events.
2. Contacting you in an emergency in the result of a medical event involving your child.
3. Providing any details required to medical staff so that they may provide treatment in case of serious injury or medical event.
4. We are required to share this information with the Football Association and the associated football leagues with which we are associated for the purpose of registering your child to play.
Protection of your personal data
We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.
How long we hold your personal data
We keep personal data on participants and members while they continue to be participant or member of are otherwise actively involved with the Club. We will delete this data after a participant or member has left or otherwise ended their membership or affiliation, or sooner if specifically requested and we are able to do so. We may need to retain some personal data for longer for legal or regulatory purposes. The personal data that is stored on Whole Game System is subject to their privacy policy, so we advise you review that policy together with this notice. If you would like your personal data to be deleted from the Whole Game System, then please contact them.
I confirm that the above information is accurate and that I have read and agree with the GDPR statement
Payment Consent
To help the club lower its administration overheads we use a 3rd party provider. (Gocardless) Payment will need to be setup before your child can start training and playing matches. By ticking the box below, you give consent for us to use your email to setup the payment process
We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to assist in various capacities.
If you are interested in helping out or have any specific skills or areas you’d like to contribute to, please let us know. We would be delighted to discuss how you can get involved and support our efforts.
All contents © copyright Ilminster Youth FC All rights reserved