Players Name
Team —Please choose an option—RefsUnder 7sUnder 8sUnder 9sUnder 10sUnder 10s GirlsUnder 11sUnder 12 GirlsUnder 12sUnder 13sUnder 14sUnder 14s GirlsUnder 15sUnder 16s
Name of Parents / Carers
Your Email
A high temperature above 37.8o C YesNo
A new continuous cough YesNo
Shortness of breath YesNo
A sore throat YesNo
Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell YesNo
Feeling generally unwell YesNo
Persistent tiredness YesNo
Been in close contact with/living with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the previous two weeks YesNo
By clicking "Send" you consent for your child to train and play and confirming that you have read and understood the activities being offered to your child and agree with the measures the club has put in place to manage any risks, including its Covid-19 measures in line with current Government guidance.
A self-assessment should be done before each training session and if there is any changes to any of the above answers you will need to let the manager know.
Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must not participate. Instead they should follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.
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